Minor performance improvement - 30th March 2020
Fixed: on("conversationSelected") to correctly fire when the conversation is selected.
Fixed: on("conversationSelected") to correctly fire when the conversation is selected.
Added: methods to get UIs, namely getPopups, getInboxes and getChatboxes (https://talkjs.com/docs/Reference/JavaScript_Chat_SDK/Session.html#Session.getInboxes)
(edited)Fixed: Certain characters were incorrectly encoded for real-time message translations
Fixed: Removed unnecessary dependancy for the JavaScript SDK
Fixed: A bug which would cause the single-conversation embeddable view from working correctly at times
Today we're are thrilled to introduce our product changelog.
Even though we work on TalkJS all the time, sometimes it may seem that not much is happening. This changelog is here to improve that very important part of the communication between you and us.
Going forward all the things we change will now be centralized here on our changelog. You can also subscribe to receive updates right to your inbox.