TalkJS for Flutter v0.3.0
New Push Notifications
Push notifications are a critical part of what we offer and we are very excited to make it available on our Flutter SDK. Similar to our React Native SDK, we have abstracted registering of the device token among other things to make adding push notifications a fairly straightforward thing. You can check out our documentation for a step by step guide on what you'll need to do to setup push notifications on Android and iOS through Firebase and Apple Push Notification service respectively.
improvement File Upload on Android
Due to the nature of the WebView implementation on Android and limitations of the Flutter equivalent, we had initially shipped the Flutter SDK without support for file uploads on Android. At the time of writing, various factors prevent the maintainers of the Flutter Webview plugin from shipping this feature. We believe file upload is a core component of TalkJS and so we forked the plugin and added it to cater to our Flutter SDK.
Other than your users on Android being able to upload files, there's nothing to be done from your end. Remember, you can always enable or disable file attachment for a specific role through the dashboard.